Takeno Brewery (Yasakaturu) BY2020

If you're an avid drinker of Yasakaturu sake, you will have noticed during the course of 2021 Takeno Brewery has incorporated a gentle surprise in each of their sake, especially for the "Kurabu Series".

The "fizz" which we've aptly named, is not as aggressive as the bubbles found in regular sparkling sake but in fact are quite subtle, this has become the new standard since brewing year* 2020 for the Kyoto based brewery, adding a brighter, refreshing tone to a newly opened bottle. This "fizz" is accomplished via a special method used by the brewery to maintain more of the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation.

In case any of our customers don't prefer the "fizz", they can always decanter the sake and still enjoy it.

Due to the new bottling method, regular 1.8L bottles are prone to breaking curing pasteurisation and thus have been discontinued. The 1.8L magnum size will only be available until the current stock runs out. Get them while stocks last!

 Click here, to check out all our Yasakaturu sakes.

brewing year*: The brewing year starts on July 1st and ends June 30th of the next year. So if your sake was dated 2021, it would have been brewed between July 1st 2021 and June 30th 2022.

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